Tuesday, August 22, 2006

back from nowhere

wow, i've been gone for a bit. i fell off the edge of the earth, but i'm back from that place. in my trip to the edge of the earth though, i had an adventure. hmm, let's see...what happened? i enjoyed hanging out with my younger cousins (ages 7-12). we had a small surprise birthday party for my aunt. i dont think she was very surprised though. seven year olds give it all away. i watched all of them drawing in my sketchbook. their concept of line is so different at that age. i hope to use the sketches though. also, my sister came home. that was nice. i know caitlin agrees with me when i say that there's just something different about laughing aloud with your sister(s). i love it. i love regina spektor too. she's already made four videos off of her latest album. apres moi le deluge... after me comes the flood. i made a little trip to the power trio headquarters. that was great, as always. a lot of dude-ness, internerding, and a funfetti. i can't ask for more. i gave in a couple job applications and tried to sell myself to the job market. it was a success. i got one job and i'm looking into another. i had a trip down south too. it was a grand time. i just realized how boring michigan can seem. i met some new people and was treated so nicely. just when i thought my family were the only frazzled people i knew, i met some more. i haven't laughed that hard in a long time. i miss my first undergrad friends. i'll see you guys soon though. i'm back from the edge of the earth though and it was a successful journey. but i have to say. i. hate. flying. i hate it. my spine should be perpendicular to the ground at all times, unless i'm lying down ON the ground. as much as i'd like to travel the rest of this planet, it's scary. but i'm safely on the ground now. i like airports a lot though. i wish airports were the way they used to be, but it's ok. it was a good trip overall. and now i'm ready for classes to start and kick me in the ass and tell me to work my hardest. anyways, i'm sorry this wasn't very interesting, but i thought i would catch up.


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