Thursday, October 11, 2007

nail cutters

stories are better told with pictures.
...... i take that back.
i thought "retroactive 1" by robert rauschenberg was black and white. it's not and i feel a little betrayed.

anyways, i've finally got a bunch of new ideas for my own stuff. but i know, it won't mean anything until i crank out the work. i read an article yesterday about some coo coo crazy who made out with a cy twombly painting that was worth over 2 million. she called it an act of love, but we're talking red lipstick on white surface. wa- ba- ga- DOUCHE!!
like that wasn't bad enough, five ouche-day ags-bay were jailed for breaking into paris' orsay museum and vandalizing claude monet's "le pont d'argenteuil." they punched the painting. they punched the painting. THEY PUNCHED. THE PAINTING....yeah, they PUNCHED it. who is so mad that they break into a museum and think, "claude, you really screwed me man...(p.u.n.c.h.)..."
they left a 4 inch tear in the painting and the article read "one person admitted to putting a fist in the painting under the influence of alcohol." i hate you and your alcoholic ways. let's ruin history guys. come on, i can get us into the museum! let's ruin the one good thing that was left behind. come on!!

the end.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

numbers and dates to remember

three / six / zero eight

21 weeks, 4 daaaaaays

21 x 7 = 147 days + 4 = 151 daaaayyuuuuuuhhhssss

paper chain adjustment must take place immediately.

6 of 3, 2008